Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to provide you with answers to all of your questions

Yes, LAICA has complied with all legal obligations by informing the Ministry of Health and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in detail with all the technical scientific papers, laboratory tests and validation tests relating to its filter jugs.

Yes, LAICA jugs are safe as expressly set forth by Section III of the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità on 14 June 2011, concluding that “on the basis of the scientific evidence available to date, there are no adverse health effects resulting from the use of filter jugs”. In addition, this is confirmed by the most authoritative and prestigious International Certification Bodies to which LAICA has submitted its filter jugs for evaluation.

No, sodium and potassium are essential minerals for the correct functioning of body metabolism and LAICA filter jugs do not significantly change the level naturally present in drinking water and determined by law.

The hardness in drinking water is very important for absorbing Calcium and Magnesium (water is a better vehicle than other foods). Important clinical trials validated by the World Health Organisation and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità confirm that water containing calcium and magnesium salts (hardness) has a protective function in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

No, that is a fallacy. In fact there is no relationship between calcium, magnesium and the onset of kidney stones.

A balanced pH (i.e. neutral) is preferable to a low pH (acid) for both improved water flavour and because it helps create an alkaline environment in our body, which protects the body against degenerative pathologies that develop in an acidic environment. In addition, clinical studies show that water treatment with alkaline pH can be a useful addition to the therapeutic management of functional digestive syndromes.

No, LAICA filter systems do not release ammonium, as proven by numerous laboratory analyses. Ammonium is not a healthy element and, at certain concentration levels, is definitely harmful; therefore, it is better that the jugs DO NOT release ammonium.

No, the bi-fluxTM filter cartridge retains filtrated impurities even beyond its useful life. Such impurities are fixed by chemical and ionic bonds that do not allow release.

No, boiling water does not serve this purpose. In fact, heavy metals do not evaporate while chlorine evaporates, but their more dangerous derivatives such as trihalomethanes do not, as they persist at water’s boiling temperature.

The cartridge should be disposed of in the normal Dry Waste Container.

Because the usual cleaning care required for any kitchen utensil (such as plates, glasses, containers, etc.) must be used for the filter jug as well.


No, the cartridge should simply be rinsed under running water (without using detergents) when the jug is washed.


It is recommended that you wash the jug with water and liquid detergent, rinse the cartridge under running water, dry it thoroughly, place it in the jug and place the jug in the fridge. Before re-using it, rinse the cartridge thoroughly under running water.


Silver inhibits bacterial growth once chlorine is removed.
Chlorine derivatives are harmful to health, whereas Silver, in the extent to which it is used (following the WHO and Ministry of Health guidelines) is not harmful.

Sometimes air bubbles can form inside the filter cartridge and they act as “pressure plugs” that prevent the flow of water. To help the filter operate normally again, simply remove it from its housing, dip it into water to release the bubbles, drain it and reinsert it into the hopper.


Like all foods, water also maintains its characteristics (organoleptic, pH, flavour and odour) more safely if stored at the usual refrigerator temperature. However, all microbiological analyses conducted at 22° C and 37° C as per the method indicated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità confirm that there is no bacterial growth.

The granular charcoal contained in the filter can release a small amount of fine powder which is absolutely NOT harmful and adheres to the walls of the plastic, making it darker. This does not in any way compromise the functionality and effectiveness of the cartridge.
The filter system used without the anti-sedimentation system maintains the cartridge’s full functionality and effectiveness. The sedimentation system retains any residual sediments without affecting the performance of the jug. Spare anti-sediment filters are available at our retailers.
The filter has a useful life of 1 month / 150 litres, as indicated by its packaging. At the end of its useful life, it does not release the retained substances but becomes less effective in reducing and absorbing unwanted substances.
LAICA offers filters for drinking water that maintain the balance of salts and other minerals for use with tea, coffee and tea kettles, which instead reduce hardness and thus prevent the formation of limescale in such appliances.
Yes, LAICA filtered water can be drunk by everyone. However, in the case of special diseases or diets, it is recommended to always consult your doctor first.